I don't personally know anyone named Frank, but let me be him for a minute. There is no need in worshiping dispensationalism or Paul... It is ridiculous to think that anyone except the Lord, Jesus Christ should be exalted and held as the pinnacle of Christianity. But here's the deal:
1.) If you do not understand the dispensations in your Bible, you cannot "properly" serve Jesus Christ, because you don't have a pattern. (You're going to the "altar" at church to confess sins, tithing and trying to keep your salvation when all 3 of those are unnecessary and obsolete in the "Dispensation of Grace. ")
2.) If you do not understand the dispensations in your Bible, you do not know the gospel you are saved by and you possibly will not be saved.
(-John the Baptist - Repent and be baptized.
-Jesus - Repent and be baptized; believe on Jesus' name.
- Peter and Apostles, after the ascension of Jesus, Repent and be baptized; believe on Jesus; Receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
- Paul- Believe and what Jesus has accomplished on the cross, by dying for your sins and resurrecting to give you justification.
Which one are you banking on for your savation? Because all 4 are different! )
3.) If you do not understand the dispensations in your Bible, you do not know how to operate as a believer.
(Jesus - sell all you have and follow me.
Pentecost- sold all they had and had all things in common. Acts 2 and 3
Dis. Of Grace- Every man is to work and provide for his family.
Which one is correct??? Depends on what pattern you are following.)
Here is a thought provoking quote in the forward of a book entitled
"History of Dispensational Thought... and why it matters"
"For a Christian not to know what a Bible dispensation is or to be unaware of biblical dispensationalism would be almost as incongruous as a forest ranger's being unable to tell one tree from another. Yet Christians often profess to never having heard the term "dispensation," or worse still, confuse dispensations as they appear in the Bible with the unscriptural dispensation of Roman Catholicism.
No forest ranger would set the woods on fire because he disrespected the trees; but Christians tear their Bibles to shreds (figuratively speaking) because they disrespect biblical dispensationalism.
No forest ranger would spend his entire career caring for just one tree and disregard the bigger picture of the forest as a whole, yet Christians commonly miss the big picture entirely because they are fixated upon some pet doctrines.
Way too many Christians have missed the forest for the trees. They have selected a tree or two to hug and treat the rest of their Bible as if those pages were dead leaves."
-Terence D. McLean
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