Saturday, February 28, 2015

Stand Fast!

Stand Fast! (Audio)
Stand Fast! (Video)
Click Link Above to listen

Stand Fast!

Standfast: [stand-fast, -fahst] –noun    a rigid or unyielding position.

1.      Stand Fast in the FAITH
Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

Five Admonitions from 1 Corinthians 16:13-14
a. These are the things you memorize so they are accessible (also…Phil 4:8)
b. “Watch” care, attendance, awake to righteousness! 1Cor15:34, Eph 5:16, Rom 6:13
c. “Stand fast” … in your position in Christ - Gal 5:1, 1 Cor 15:58, Col 2:5
d. Quit you like men (1 Sam 4:9) – Be men, not children, fight! 1Cor 14:20, 1Tim 1:18
e. Be strong … in the Lord – 2 Cor 12:9, Phil 4:13, Eph 6:10, 1Cor 4:19-20, 2 Tim 2:1
f. Charity is love of seeing the truth benefit others, do all things with this in mind.

2.      Stand Fast in the LORD
Therefore, my brethren dearly beloved and longed for, my joy and crown, so stand fast in the Lord, my dearly beloved. Philippians 4:1

For now we live, if ye stand fast in the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 3:8

Paul’s joy, prize and life were all invested in those whom he ministered to and continually worked to see stablished in the faith. Paul’s reasoning in Philippians 1:23 for desiring to stay alive in the flesh was simply for the benefit of the Body of Christ.

3.      Stand Fast in the DOCTRINE
Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. 2 Thessalonians 2:15

a)      This is not an endorsement of all traditions - Gal 1:14, Col 2:8
b)      “Church history” is not a consensus – Acts 15:1-2, 4-7. 2 Cor 11:1-4
c)       What is right is more important than who is right – Gal 1:7-10
d)      When you have the truth you keep it – 1 Cor 16:13, Phil 3:8, Rom 3:4

4.      Stand Fast in the LIBERTY
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage. Galatians 5:1
Our liberty in Christ made us free, setting us free from the law, sin, death. Returning to bondage is an identity crisis.

5.      Stand Fast in ONE SPIRIT
Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; Philippians 1:27

Unity exists after attaining sound doctrine.  Unity does not exist where doctrine differs.  Under sound doctrine we unite as Ephesians 4:14 says, “not as children.”

There are two ways to achieve doctrinal unity: 1) compromise; or 2) evangelize.

Great Seminar This Weekend!

The seminar this weekend has been wonderful! The ministry of Grace Ambassadors in Swayzee, IN packed there bags and headed south so Rogersville, AL for a 3 day seminar entitled, The Basics of a Mid-Acts Church. There were some familiar faces and some new ones...

This was not only a good jump-start for me personally, but I know that all of the individuals that make up Grace Bible Fellowship here in Rogersville have not only been encouraged, but have been given some pretty important tools in being effective ministers. To say the least, I am more than anxious to see what the future holds for this ministry.

A basic outline of the seminar would be:

Church Ministry involves:
The Perfecting of the saints(maturity)   Work of the Ministry   and Edification of the Body of Christ

The Pillars to make this Happen are:
Understanding the Mystery   Living life in the Spirit   and Evangelists who voice the message

None of this is possible without a proper Foundation:
The Word of God(Bible) and Jesus Christ, which are Biblically seen as the same

Many lessons to come! 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

This Upcoming Weekend's Seminar

Basics of a Mid-Acts Church
February 26-28th
Featuring: Justin and Jeremy Johnson from Grace Ambassadors Bible Fellowship in Swayzee, IN.
Itinerary for G.B.F.’s First Annual Seminar
Thursday(Senior Center):
Begin at 6 with singing. 
Welcome and Introduction of Justin Johnson
First message; Q&A offered. 
Finger foods after for anyone interested.
Friday(Senior Center):
Begin at 6 with singing.
Welcome and Introduction
Second message. Q&A time offered by you. 

Full meal after for anyone interested.
Saturday morning(Butler’s Restaurant): 
Begin singing at 915. 
Third message; Q&A offered.
10 minute break. 
Aaron will be sharing his testimony. 
Fourth message; Q&A offered.
Testimonies and Comments
Saturday’s seminar sessions will be at Butler’s Restaurant, so everyone is invited to stay and purchase lunch there.
Thursday and Friday nights will be at the senior citizens center in Rogersville, and then Saturday will be at Butler's Restaurant, also in Rogersville.
Senior Center- 204 Lee Street, Rogersville, AL 35652
Butler’s Restaurant- 15261 Highway 72 Rogersville AL 35652
Please Contact Alan Jaynes with any questions- (256)483-7318

Grace Changes Ministry (Part 2)

Grace Changes Ministry Part 2 (Audio)
Click Link Above to Listen

Grace Changes Ministry (Part 2)
 “Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them:
for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.”
~ 1 Timothy 4:16
1. Self Ministry
a. Where does ministry begin? Who is in most need of ministry? A: Yourself.
b. You can not do ministry to others unless you are first furnished – 2 Tim 2:15, 3:16
c. Good ministers must be nourished up in the word of God - 1 Tim 4:6
d. Godliness is profitable unto all things: at any age, for every time - 1 Tim 4:8-12
e. “Give attendance” … “give thyself” … “take heed” – 1 Tim 4:13-16
2. Marriage Ministry
a. Marriage is your first ministry. You will first learn to minister with your spouse.
b. Two become one in marriage – this speaks to responsibility, not ability.
c. Ability for two to walk as one comes from personal growth in God’s word.
d. There needs to be time spent in marriage for prayer and study – Eph 5:25-28
e. The result of mutual nourishment from the word is to be “knit together” – Col 2:19
3. Family Ministry
a. Churches designed programs. God designed families.
b. The sad truth - Church can’t (and shouldn’t) teach you everything!
c. Ministry is not first talking to strangers about the gospel – minister to your family!
d. The platform every father has to teach what he has learned is his family -Eph 6:4
e. Paul said “be ye followers of me” as a father to them – 1 Cor 4:15-16, Phil 3:17
f. Ministry should not start and stop with your involvement with a local church.
g. The church’s purpose is to aid in self-ministry, producing mature members.
h. Ruling your house well is a sign of maturity and growth – 1Tim 3:4-6, 8-12
i. To be a good father/mother, you must be a good husband/wife.
ii. To be a good husband/wife, “take heed to thyself” before the LORD
i. Godly and profitable ministry is a result of your personal growth in loving God, knowing his word, doing his will, rejoicing in the Lord.

i. This kind of growth requires time spent in Bible study and prayer.

This outline was originally from Justin Johnson at, but it has been slightly edited for the purpose of talking about how understanding grace change how we view ministry.
Find outlines like this, and more, at

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Grace Changes Ministry (Part 1)

Grace Changes Ministry
 “Take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine; continue in them: for in doing this thou shalt both save thyself, and them that hear thee.”
~ 1 Timothy 4:16
1. We Study to do Ministry
a. The reason for Bible study is not to get the grade and pass the class
b. The practical function of personal Bible study is to do ministry (service) to God
2. What is Ministry
a. Ministry is your responsibility from the Lord – Col 4:17 (2 Cor 5:18, Eph 3:7-9)
b. Ministry concerns the things of Christ (the mysteries) – 1 Cor 4:1-2
c. Ministry is the work it takes to grow people into Christ – Eph 4:12-15
d. Ministry work requires maturity, not children: grown ups – Eph 4:13, 1 Cor 14:20

This outline was originally from Justin Johnson at, but it has been slightly edited for the purpose of talking about how understanding grace change how we view ministry.
Find outlines like this, and more, at

Grace Changes Ministry (Part 1) Audio

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Sermon on the Mount (Part 2) Matthew 07

Sermon on the Mount (Part 2)
Matthew 07
Matthew 5:4:
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
1.      Knowledge of Prophecy is Crucial
·        It is impossible to understand the context of Jesus’ message without having a firm grasp on prophecy; not everything Jesus said was “new.”
·        John the Baptist, Jesus, and the 12 all come to Israel preaching a clear message of “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”
·        Prophecy shows that an everlasting kingdom was promised to David (and Israel) 2 Samuel 7:12-16
·        Did all of Israel repent and receive their kingdom? Acts 2:23
2.      Israel Refused their Messiah
·        Instead of repenting, Israel killed Christ.
·        Remember Jesus’ prayer on the cross? Luke 23:34
·        God did not pour out wrath, but rather offered another chance. Acts 2:38; 3:19-21
·        Stephen was then murdered and the disciples were intensely persecuted.
3.      What about Israel now?
·        We know from Romans 11:25-27 that Israel’s salvation is yet future. How is this going to take place?
·        Zechariah 12:10-14- What a picture of regret and mourning!!!
·        Matthew 24:30- Jesus mentions it…
·        Revelation 1:7- Wailing is again mentioned at the open of Jesus’ “Revelation” to Israel
·        Zechariah 13:1, Isaiah 51:11-12, Isaiah 40:1-2
·        The order of events is found in Isaiah 61:1-3 :
1.)Year of the Lord  2.)Vengeance of God  3.)Comfort the mourners
4.      Is this our Pattern?
·        Is this how we are saved today? Punishment/Wrath, repentance/mourning, and then forgiveness???
·        Unlike Peter at Pentecost, Paul does not charge his audience with the death of Christ.
2 Corinthians 5:21
·        The prophetic view of the cross shows “enmity between God and man.” Psalm 2:1-5, 110:1
·        But according to prophecy… Ephesians 2:16-17

·        The mystery shows that it was by the secret of the cross that Satan was conquered and Christ made salvation possible for all! Colossians 2:14-15

Click link below to listen
Sermon on the the Mount Part 2 Matthew 07

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Which Gospel do I Trust for Salvation?

The case of many ministers is to say that there is only "one" gospel from Matthew to Revelation. Many know the gospel to include Jesus' death and resurrection for forgiveness of sins (1 Corinthians 15:1-4); this is true for today, in the dispensation of grace, but not for all of Scripture. Here is a simple comparison to show that biblical truth.
Did the twelve understand the gospel or not? – Luke 9:2 & Luke 18:34
The only way to explain this contradiction is by recognizing the difference in dispensations. The "gospel of the kingdom" that was preached in the 4 gospels did not include the death and resurrection. This should be reason enough to study as to why this is. This biblical truth is one that is often overlooked or swept under the rug.
Take time to find the answer to this biblical contradiction. I say contradiction, but it only holds that title if there is not another explanation. The answer is that the "gospel of God's grace" was not given or revealed until God changed His operation with dealing with Israel and started operating with all men, via the dispensation of grace (see Ephesians 3:1-3, Colossians 1:27). This mystery truth was revealed first to the Apostle Paul (See 1 Timothy 1:16).
Many in the church today are unaware of the "revelation of the mystery." See Romans 16:25. This mystery is crucial to understanding how God is operating with mankind today. The statements of "grace through faith" and "not under the law" would have been erroneous if God had not changed from a law program with Israel to a free salvation by faith message to Jews and Gentiles alike. The kingdom gospel of the 4 gospels did not include the death and ressurection because this gospel did not include free salvation, but was rather the fulfilment of the Messiah come to God's chosen nation, Israel. See Matthew 10: 5-6.
There is no Israel today. No, the 1948 establishment over in the middle east is not the Israel of the Bible. God does not recognize nations today; this includes the U.S. God views all men, women, nations, and status' as the same. Lost and in need of the free salvation that is being offered by grace through faith, because of Christ's finished work on the cross and the glorious ressurection that followed.
Trust the Gospel of God's Grace today, friend.
Trust it and look at what God says:
Ephesians 1:13
In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sermon on the Mount (Part 1) Matthew 06

Sermon on the Mount (Part 1)
Matthew 06

Matthew 5:1-3:
 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his disciples came unto him: And he opened his mouth, and taught them, saying, Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
·        “Lost sheep of the house of Israel” Matthew 15:24, 10:5-6
·        In this moment, He was not speaking openly to the multitudes, but to His disciples only. See verse 1
·        eJjkljdJesus is addressing His personal followers; earthly ministry followers. Kingdom “at hand” Matthew 3:1-2, 4:17, 10:7
·        This information is not entrusted or spoken of for the purpose of direct application for the Body of Christ, which is not established until the “mystery” is revealed. Ephesians 3:1-11, Colossians 1:24-22
·        The Beatitudes are the characteristics of those who will enter into the earthly kingdom as heirs of the promises given to Israel’s fathers.
Poor in Spirit
·        Pride, Arrogance, and Self-Righteousness are not acceptable for kingdom inhabitants.
·        Think about Jesus’ address to Pharisees, Rich Young Ruler, and even Pilate; humility before the Messiah is the only way to be a kingdom recipient.
·        Sinners in the dispensation of grace are not asked to be anything to inherit a position in the body of Christ, but are instructed to only trust in Christ, who died for our sins. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

·        There is a distinct difference between God’s operation with Israel in a Kingdom vs. His operation with all men in His own Body

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Your 2 Chronicles 7:14 Prayer Pattern is Off

Warning: This is an article intended for saved Bible students... If you are opinionated, religious, and stubborn without a desire  to study, the whole sum of this read for you will end in disgust; your take-away will be a charge to my account of "knit-picking." Study  for yourself. Please don't take my word for it.  End of Warning. (This isn't sarcastic; I am being sincere)
I see it posted everywhere. It is on church signs, t-shirts, bags, bulletins, social media, and even in a group text I received last week... What's the "it?" It is 2 Chronicles 7:14-15:
" If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place."
I love these verses because they are Scripture, or God's  Word. What I do not love is how they have been used out of context  and for the "wooing" of the crowds. I have heard countless sermons over the years  using this text as the pivot of the message. There was one inteded destination  for the end of the message: many people "flooding the altar" & "getting 'right' with God." There is a huge problem here that needs to be diagnosed and addressed by using right doctrine!
There is a list of things from all of chapter 7 that does not make it on the church signs. Let's name a few.
1. VERSE 1- Why not put "burnt offerings and sacrifices" on the sign? Well, we know that Jesus Christ is the sacrifice. So this would not make the cut for the sign.
2. VERSE 2- Where are the priests today? Is it the preacher, pastor, or the pope? Is it every Christian or just the ones who hold paid positions? To answer this, you will have to define the operation of a priest. Who, today, in the dispensation of grace, offers sacrifices for others, remit sins, and holds a special class that is distinct from everyone else? No one, unless you are Catholic.
3. VERSE 3, 4, 5- Once again, notice the priests and sacrifices.
4. VERSE 6- Read the second to last word in the verse (KJV applicable). You will notice the audience  that day. It was not the Body of Christ, which did not exist until Acts 9. The hearers and participants were all members of the nation Israel. You and I are not Israel.
6. VERSE 8, 9, 10- In these verses, we read something that has been obsolete  for about 2,000 years now... do you know what it is? After reading Galatians 4:10, we know that the observation of specific  days is a HUGE no no, unless you are somehow trying to be a law practicing Israelite or perhaps a Seventh  Day Adventist. But don't almost all protestants observe Sundays, Christmas and Easter as days "more special" than every other calendar  day? What's going on?!
7. VERSE 11, 12- Do we find any building today, such as  temple or buildimg, that  God considers to be "His house?" (Ignore the fact that in almost ever church building  across the land, that there are young adolescents  being told to not run or misbehave in God's house.) We should realize that we, as the Church, as well as individuals,  are the temple of the temple of the Holy Spirit.
8. VERSE 13- Do we see God offering warnings of plagues and judgement today as means of chastisement and correction? We do in verse 13. Read Romans 5:1. We are people at peace  with God. Read 2 Corinthians 5:19 to see that God is not viewing the world as a bunch of  sinners, but rather potential children who He is offering adoption to by means of faith in the blood of Christ.
9. VERSE 16- Once again, does God have a special building today?  No.
10. VERSE 17- Do you and I follow the Mosaic Law to the "T?" No we do not.
11. VERSE 18- Are we, as the Church, awaiting  the coming earthly kingdom  that was promised to David? We shouldn't be. Some chalk it up to a spiritual  kingdom  that Christians presently  inhabit, where's others hold to a future earthly  kingdom  that we will somehow  participate in. Regardless, our promise  is heaven and our salvation  is present,  not future. Compare  that truth to Israel's promise  in Acts 3:19-21.
12. VERSE 19-22-  We are not Israel. We do not get plucked out of God's hand. We do not participate  as a nation. This just isn't us.
Now that we looked at all of the other verses in chapter 7, what about verses 14 and 15?
Breakdown  Analysis :
If my people:
This speaks of the nation of Israel. Many want to say that this can be us too. Make that fit with the plagues of verse 13. Are you still excited to be "my people" by way of the Old Covenant? Note also, this people can be cut off. We cannot. Ephesians 1:13.
Which are called by my name:
These called people have to do with being the firstborn son of God, named Israel. See Exodus  4:22. Don't spiritualize it out of context.
Humble themselves,  seek my face,  and pray:
Humility, seeking God, and praying are all 3 things that we should do daily... but not in the context of James, where we draw close to Him and He will draw close to us. Read James 1:1 to realize Israel is the audience  of that book. How much closer to God can you get than being in his body? Read Ephesians 5.
And turn from their wicked ways:
Sanctification is one thing, but this is a plea to return to the Mosaic Law.
Then will I hear from heaven:
Is this to say that God turns his ear away from sinners? The same individuals in this context that are His "people" are the ones that he closes His ears off to when they do not add up to His righteous standard. We who are saved in this dispensation of grace are not viewed as sinners by God because we are dead in Christ by baptism of the Spirit and have been raised anew to walk in newness of life.
Forgive their sin:
How can these people be "His people," but still have unforgiven sin? This is the workings of a covenant. If you're saved today you are forgiven. There are a lot of people praying for forgiveness today.
Heal their land:
This is often spiritualized, but think about it. This is about crops and produce... Nothing spiritual to be drawn out of the well here.
Verse 15, once again, talks about the answering of God, to Israel, due to the covenant he has made with them.
What is the purpose of this? The reason for the verse by verse commentary is to show that many people are using doctrine and making application that does not work today. We are not in a covenant. (That's bold to say, but we simply are not.) If you are in a covenant,  you are in a contract. The only contract we have today is God saying,
"Paid in full by the blood of my Son."
Here is the deal friends... If we want to be credited for seeking God's will, we must do so by matching his mode of operation. God is the same, but he had change His operation with men many, many, times throughout the history of mankind. This is so you will be informed. Don't just trust the preacher's passion as he boisterously proclaims prayer promisises from the pulpit. We do not pray according to any covenants today. We couldn't even if we tried. See Ephesians 2:12.
Not going with the flow often seems hectic, but there is one thing we must strive for in out convictions. This one thing is clear from Romans:
"Let God be true and every man a liar."
Truth is the key, whereas Satan's doctrinal schemes is the darkness. Do not, knowingly, sit in darkness friends. If you find biblical truth not matching up with your denominational statement of faith, just remember your denomination is fallible. God's Word does not fade and does not fail!
Keep studying!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Easy Beleive-ism

The more a man elevates God's grace in his mind, the less you see him working according to religion. The more you see a man working according to religion, the more clearly you see how little he knows about God's grace.

Talking about God's grace, to some, is summed up as easy believe-ism... The real question on the table is,

"If it is so easy, then why do so many people have a hard time just simply trusting what God has accomplished for them on the cross of calvary?"

I have heard many preachers stumble through a message about grace, but end the lesson in nothing less than an invitation to join religion. Some speakers find themselves in the book of James doing u - turns, trying to explain how religion is bad, yet attempting to justify their statements,  because James talks about religion as a necessity. What a mess!!!

The answer is found in right division. I speak of grace as a sole entity of God's operation with man today, because I know that we are in the "Dispensation of Grace." All to often, the picture that is being pained is men operating according to instructions that God had postponed,  while existing in complete unawares of what God is doing today.

Friends, the Gospel is  clear for 2015... Read about it in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4...

See what to do with it in Ephesians 1:13.

Learn who you are in 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.

Learn what has happened to you in Romans 6.

Learn how you are not lacking anything in Colossians 2:10 and Ephesians 1:3.

Are you elevating God's grace or your religion?

Grace Changes How We View Adversity

Grace Changes How We View Adversity (Audio)
Click Link Above to listen to audio sermon

Grace Changes How We View Adversity

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” – Romans 8:28
The Grace Life vs. Good Life
·      Did Paul think that the good life was to live the most comfortable happy life he could without struggle, pain, failure, or trouble?
-The good life is lived according to the purpose and power of God (Philippians 1:21).

·      “We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;” – 2 Corinthians 4:8-9
·       “ While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. ” – 2 Corinthians 4:18
We may not be able to change our bad circumstance, but we can change our response to it by our understanding of sound doctrine. Things work together for good if we understand that it is good to live according to the eternal purpose of God.
What We Must Learn
In order for us to experience the hope filled promise of Romans 8:28 we must learn some things:
·      When our life seems to be a failure and we inhabit the lowest places among men, we learn in Romans 8:17-18 that God promises our future glorification, not as a result of our own works, but the work of Christ in us.
·      When we find ourselves unable to make payment, we learn in Romans 8:32 that God gives us freely all things as a result of our position as his sons.
·      When we are charged with sins in our flesh and from our past, we learn in Romans 8:33 that there is nothing that can be charged to us, because the God of the universe has declared us righteous in Christ.
·      When stones are thrown at us for who we are, what we say, and what we do, we learn in Romans 8:34 that we face no condemnation since we did not procure our salvation, but it was Christ that died and resurrected in our place.
·      When it seems that everyone wants to separate from us, we learn in Romans 8:37 that nothing shall separate us from the love of Christ.
·      When we never have enough, we learn to gain by being content (Philippians 4:111 Timothy 6:8).
·      When we suffer, we learn that the grace of God is magnified in our body when we are weak (2 Corinthians 12:9)
·      When we learn God’s purpose to give us the mind of Christ we can confidently say with Paul in adversity:
“ I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” – Philippians 4:13
Strength Through Suffering
·      Often Rom 8:28 is read with the false hope that God will restore our failed dreams, our failed businesses, or that every bad circumstance has a silver lining. Instead, Paul is talking about the good that can happen when we allow sound doctrine to work effectually in us.

·      “According to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death. “ – Philippians 1:20
·      When all is well, we can easily magnify Christ with all our strength. When all is trouble, we see that Christ can still be magnified in us.
·      Our weakness gives an opportunity for the strength of Christ to show in us, which strength comes from God’s word in us. Our weakness proves the strength of Christ in us.
Either way, through suffering or joy, all things work together for the good of Christ magnified and God glorified.

“For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” – Romans 8:18

see original article at