This may be true in many of life’s situations, but
thankfully this is not the case in bible study. Among most denominational
threads, there are usually two opposing thought processes. Some examples would
- Calvinism vs. Arminianism
- Eternal Security vs. Loss of Salvation
- Faith vs. Works
- Dispensational vs. Covenantal
- Full Atonement vs. Partial Atonement (Do I need to pray for forgiveness?)
- Water Baptism vs. Spirit Baptism
- Coming Kingdom vs. Spiritual Kingdom
Whereas it may seem that there are only two sides to these
stories, there’s more to it than the good ol’ Baptist versus Church of Christ
dilemma here in the south.
There is, to all of these points, a third option that, by
most, is being overlooked. The answers come from a Mid-Acts/Pauline
perspective. To sum up what that means, it can be expressed this way:
Prophecy vs. Mystery
Prophecy: (Acts
3:19-21) The things of prophecy consist of information that had been made
known, since the world began; this information was spoke of by the prophets and
was written down as common knowledge. Most of this information was shared
during a dispensation where the Mosaic law was in effect.
(Romans 16:25) The things of the mystery consist of information that had been
kept secret, since the world began, until they were made known, firstly, unto
the Apostle Paul, as he was the Apostle of the Gentiles and the hand selected
of Christ for the task of carrying and making known the dispensation of grace.
Most of these denominational arguments are hit back and
forth across the table, as if it is a game of theological ping-pong. This will
continue in most of today’s Christian thought, because both sides of the
argument, no matter the denomination, do not possess the ability or desire to
rightly divide the word of truth, by dispensationally discerning the
information being covered. The arguments are ultimately futile, due to the fact
that most of the points made are both erroneous because of the lack of proper
application. Here are a couple of examples:
Eternal Security vs.
Loss of Salvation
Baptist: we do not lose our salvation, but if a
person lacks “good fruit,” he or she either was never saved or they are “backslidden.”
Church of Christ: we will lose our salvation if we do
not maintain our good works or “endure to the end.”
Mid-Acts: we are “saved by grace, through faith.” Our
works have nothing to do with our initial salvation or continuing salvation
Water Baptism vs.
Spirit Baptism
Baptist: we are saved when trust the gospel (most of
the time; it is sometimes said when one “asks Jesus to be Lord of their life” or “asks
Jesus into their heart”), but it is necessary, not for salvation, to be fully “obedient”
to the will of Jesus. It is often said by this denomination that water baptism
is an “outward representation of an inward change;” one would be hard-pressed,
due to its lack of existence, to find any scriptural reference to back this
idea up.(I, sadly, am guilty of trying to make this square peg fit into the round hole in the past. I was a Baptist making excuses for our doctrine. There's no integrity in defending something that even you yourself are struggling with.)
Church of Christ: we must repent and be water
baptized for the remission of sins.
Mid-Acts: we are baptized by the Holy Spirit, into
the body of Christ, at the moment we believe and trust the gospel
(Jesus’ death and resurrection 1 Cor. 15:1-4). Water baptism is not necessary or
instructed for this dispensation. See Ephesians 1:13, 1 Corinthians 1:17 and 1
Corinthians 12:13
The list honestly goes on and on. It is a sad day when
people fight on how to paint inside of the lines, without even realizing that
there is an entirely different picture to be working within. Just know, the
third option is now on the table.
It’s called Mid-Acts Dispensationalism.
“Ultra” and “hyper” are tagged on as derogatory/ignorant
Right division is the only way to accurately handle God’s
word. It’s time to stop fighting the wrong fight. We have answers to the
questions because we ask the questions that no one else will ask. Your life
will quite literally change when you are able to clearly, without making denominational
excuses, see and explain ALL of the Bible. Due to proper dispensational discernment,
one can find out who the audience is, what is being spoken and who it applies
to. In the words of Disney’s, Aladdin and Jasmine, “It’s a whole new world!”
Thanks for taking the time to read about the “third option,”
Check out and for more tools on how to rightly divide the word of truth.
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