Tuesday, December 2, 2014

New Beginnings

Just a year ago, I was a full blown denominational guy; I was sincerely riding the Southern Baptist bus. I had made a lot of personal faith milestones, but had many that still needed to be reached. I had already begun to see some really significant distinctions that had drastically made some changes in my theology. Some of the beginning stage changes included water baptism, the application of certain New Testament books, and the distinction between law and grace.

As of today, I am so blessed to be able to say that I know how to rightly divide my bible. I understand God’s purpose of choosing Israel and how He is not finished with that nation. I understand that God selected Apostle Paul to be the “apostle of the Gentiles.” I can illustrate what books in our bible are directly applicable to the body of Christ and which books are directed specifically to Israel (James 1:1 & simply the title of the book of Hebrews is a really good start). I understand that Israel and the body of Christ are distinctly different. The biggest thing that I understand, and wish I would of had the chance to learn as an adolescent, is the difference between prophecy and mystery (Acts 3:19-21 vs. Romans 16:25).

Through coming to understanding right division and meeting such a great group of like-minded believers, I am so HAPPY to announce that we are forming an assembly that will be known as “Grace Bible Fellowship.” Understanding how to study our bibles is great; having small group bible studies is a useful time. While bible studies are good and necessary, these small groups of bible students cannot fully fulfill the ministry outline God has given for the church to follow. I am so excited to see a group of assembled saints learning and growing, but most importantly, I anticipate seeing this group being able to effectively minister the gospel and fill the role of ambassadors of Christ.

We want to see individual souls saved, saints edified, and people from all denominational backgrounds be able to “see what is the fellowship of the mystery (Ephesians 3:9).”

1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 3:23, Ephesians 1:13, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 4:5, Romans 4:25

Big Things to Come!


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