Sunday, November 2, 2014

Really, What's All the Fuss About?

I have been hearing this question a lot! People want to know why we left our church, why do I keep posting "controversial" topics("heresy"), and why it's such a big deal. Can't we just all get along? Don't I realize that taking a stand for "the D-word," doctrine that is, comes across as unfriendly and un-evangelical?

To be honest, nothing about my approach or character has changed. The only thing that is different is the fact that I am sharing ideas that, to many, are either so new to them that they haven't studied it out or it is so different from the norm they mark it off as "heresy" before he or she even takes time to evaluate their own position before speaking.

Here are some things I do not want to do:
1.) Be Offensive- by offensive, I mean condescending, hurtful, slanderous or deliberately causing division. By offensive, I do not mean being  truthful, blunt, consistent and outspoken.

2.)Misleading- I do not spend every moment of my day attempting to find new ways to be cunning and deceitful. I have spent the last 9 years of my life preaching, teaching, and sharing God's Word. My Goal has ALWAYS been to share the COMPLETE truth of God's Word, without regard. Nothing has changed.

3.)Preach False Doctrine- This is the kicker of them all. I have been regularly accused of preaching false doctrine and heresy. I have received hateful messages and side remarks of condescending distaste, that actually would not have been so bad if they had not been geared towards me as an individual but were an attempt to, at the very least, examine the statements being made by this individual.

4.)Copy an Internet Preacher- I meant that exactly as it is stated. On a consistent basis, I have been accused of just "copying" something I've read or heard online. I would like to be very clear on this one.

I had a local guy, that I have always respected and still do, message me to tell me he loves me but that I needed to "follow the Holy Spirit and not Internet Preacher." I told him I was sorry that he felt that way. I assured him that this was just simply not the case and then asked if he would sit down with me so I could explain myself and my position on certain topics from the bible. His response was, "I'm busy." I realized at that point, him messaging me wasn't for concern over me. It was a drive-by of discouragement.

I had another man, whom likewise I still respect, ask me if I would forgive him for not making sure that I knew how to keep away from false doctrine. In the same manner, I asked him to sit down to study with me, but his response was sarcastically memorable. "No, for now I just as for your forgiveness, because I see that I will be taking the blame for wherever you end up."

Men I've known for years...

There are several ministries that I have not only spent time studying with and learning from, but have also contacted and kept up with weekly conversations. But I would like to offer some information that hardly anyone has asked for...

Are You Just Following Something You Found Off the Internet?
In short, NO!!!
It all started about 2 years ago... While serving as a part time youth minister in a Baptist church, I began to find myself questioning some of the doctrinal statues that were tied to the Baptist faith and message. Two of the main doctrines in question were Salvation & Baptism(Pretty Big Deal). The questions I was asking were similar to this:

When is a person "actually" saved? When they "pray the prayer?" We stress repentance so much, but what does that mean if we are also saying that no works are involved? What about the whole confessing bit? If there is confessing involved, is that not synonymous with "doing something?" I have heard my whole life that we are "Spiritual Israel," but why can I not see Paul making that clear in his "no difference between Jew and Greek" talks? If Romans 11 says Israel has fallen, then how in the world are we operating in a fallen body?

Why is there so much difference between Peter and Paul when discussing salvation? If the four gospels and Pentecost are the same gospel as found from Paul's mouth, then why do I not see the Jews glorying in Christ's death and resurrection, solely, as their victorious salvation? Why do the Jews in Acts boast about keeping the law, while at the same time Paul says to his audience, "you are not under the law"? How are we in  covenant if we are preaching that we can not be stripped away from God, because isn't a covenant based on the foundation of "you keep your part and I'll keep mine?" How is this "saved by Grace, through faith?"

Acts 2:38 and Mark 16:16 mean what they mean, so why does everyone try to change it? There is such a direct tie to repentance and water baptism in the ministries of John the Baptist, Jesus and the 12 Apostles, so why do we not make it a bid deal? How can we say that baptism is only a "picture or testimony" when no verse in the whole bible even hints at that? If baptism was necessary in MMLJ and Acts 2, then how is it not necessary now? Why does it seem that baptism was always an immediate response in the salvation accounts of the 12 apostles' ministry in the book of Acts, but we are fine with waiting for days, weeks, months and even years?

I've been baptized, but was it in the right way? I've baptized people, but it wasn't for a biblical reason. Isn't baptism a Jewish thing? If John the Baptist, according to Jesus, the greatest prophet of all, is baptizing, doesn't that mean it was directly tied to the old testament? Should I be re-baptized?

As you can see, there were mountains of questions that were pulverizing my mind on a daily basis. It's sad to say, but I was sincerely looking for these pretty basic conclusions, while at the same time preaching and teaching others. I wasn't in question on purpose, I assure you of that. I asked MANY pastors and seminary professors these kinds of questions, but I soon found that almost ALL of these men were either baffled by the questions also, or offered up a cliché/rehearsed answer that could only come from a Southern Baptist repertoire. So began my journey for some answers.

After almost 8 months of continuous searching, I had to make up my mind on one of two conclusions:

1.) I am going to have to be crossbreed of Church of Christ and Baptist(that's ridiculous).
2.) I am about to have to step out and start doing something that I have never seen or heard of before.

-I was preparing to get married... SCARY!

Outside of my denominational parameters, here are some personal beliefs I had come to through study..

  • MMLJ was old testament, therefore I could learn from it, but it did not directly apply to the church today.
  • Jesus had no operation with anyone but Israel in MMLJ.
  • Peter and Paul went to different audiences with different messages.
  • Salvation is by belief and faith, not confession and baptism.
  • There is more than one gospel in the right half of the bible.
  • Acts 2 is not the beginning of the body of Christ, because it was not something new, but instead prophecy was being fulfilled.
  • There is a difference between prophecy and mystery(Acts 3:19-21 vs Romans 16:25)
I am quite sure there were more, but that's a pretty good list to give one the picture. It was at that point I realized things were about to change. Before I did anything, I had 2 main questionS to be answered...


Google.... Here I come. It was only a few searches later that I began to come across a title I had never seen before.

"Mid Acts Dispensationalism."

I made immediate contact with a ministry from Indiana, who called themselves Grace Ambassadors. I quickly realized the answer was, "No!" We were not the only ones that saw these differences. As a matter of fact, there is a whole movement of assemblies, known as the Grace Movement, that do ministry from rightly dividing God's Word. It was only a few days after we left the church we were serving at that I received a phone call. There was a family in Lexington, AL, the same town where I had been driving to for almost 3 years to be a Baptist youth minister, who had be holding a "Mid Acts Bible Study" in their home for over 25 years. Wow.

So there you have it.... Very short version to say the least. But this is what all the fuss is about. I not only found clarity of Scripture for myself, but it is my personal ambition to help others see "what is the fellowship of the mystery." I'm sorry to offend, but I will not be quiet. I have all my questions answered. With a bible in my hand, I hope to spend the rest of my life "preaching Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery."


With questions or comments, PLEASE feel free to call me at (256)483-7318 or email me at

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