Monday, November 3, 2014

Go Ask Your Preacher

I have spent a lot of time in conversation with individuals from all types of backgrounds about the gospel of grace and different sections of scripture. It is usually either a fresh breath of air or a breathtaking smog, depending on where the persons understanding is at that point and willingness to study. I have met only a few who will say, "Give me time to study and we will get back together." Most, and I do mean most, if unsure of their position, will do one of two things. He or she will either just shoot from the hip and the bullets hit where they may, or they will say.... "Let me ask my preacher. "

At first,  that seems to be a pretty fair statement. I mean, think about it. That individual probably sits under the same voice multiple times a week to receive instruction and exegesis from the bible. So, what's the big deal? Well... if that were the case only once or twice, it would be very understandable. But once again, most will use that very response EVERY SINGLE time. One word.


It begs the question, "Who is doing your portion of the studying? "

If our position on every topic of the bible comes from either our denomination or our preacher, then how in the world can we be sure what we believe. That's like saying you're a fan of a certain ball team, but you can't even name the starting line up. (Bad example, but you know those people; you may even be one.)

So.... I have a few questions that I hope you'll take time to find answers to... but, if not, go ahead and ask your preacher.

1.) Why do we say baptism is an outward sign or testimony of our salvation, when there is not one single verse in our Bible that says that?

2.) We say that our Great Commission is in Matthew 28, but why is it that we don't preach the law, because didn't Jesus say we should in Matthew 23? When did that change? They still were in Acts 2, right?

3.) We say that there's only one Gospel in the bible... question! How can it be the same gospel if the disciples in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were ignorant of both Jesus' death and ressurection? How could they possibly be trusting in his death for sins and ressurection for justification?

Like I said... I hope that you take time to study and find these answers. If you'd like... you could even email them to me. would love to see what you come up with.

But, if all else fails... ask your preacher.

2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew THYSELF approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Enjoy ALL of the spiritual blessings you have in Christ,  today. (Eph. 1:3)

Trust the gospel! Christ died for our sins and resurrected for our justification. Have you trusted that truth?


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