Monday, September 22, 2014

Blog Intro

So... This is my first time to "Blog" about anything. I realize that there are endless topics to  not only write about, but to read up on. To actually be able to contain all of the information that is presented on the World Wide Web in one's mind is actually quite impossible. So, I make it my goal not to present a WIDE variety of topics, but simply one:

God's Word (the Bible) "Rightly Divided."

I get that quotation locked phrase from a well known verse in 2 Timothy 2:15-
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

The goal of my typing is to push forward TRUTH.  Yep, there's a word commonly forgotten. It matters. I won't go with popular opinion or the status quo. Nope. "Road less traveled..." Yea... It's the bible friends. There you have it, folks. I am narrow minded; it is not an accident. It is actually quite daring.

If you have not ever taken a minority sized topic and tried to proclaim it, I would encourage you to do it. Why? because it is not only humbling, but enlightening.

1.) Cliché: You find out who your friends are.
2.) You begin to see how much you are willing to lose for your beliefs.
3.) You get to know yourself in pain and in joy.
4.) You learn perseverance.


5.) You figure out the contentment in allowing God to be true and every man a liar. (Romans 3:4)


Possibly vague in introduction, but we will get there. There will be personal posts. Personal Experience posts. Topical posts (Salvation, Sanctification, Sin, Faith, etc.). Probably some rants :-).
Hopefully, most every read you find yourself in will be for edification and instruction in God's Word.

Enjoy! (or criticize)


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